Choosing the right insert geometry and grade for an application can easily make or break a job. Making the right choice requires educating yourself on what types of cutting edge and carbide grades are best suited to the machining conditions present.
Grade SelectionDapra uses an easy-to-understand system that separates grades by toughness/hardness. The same coatings are available for each carbide substrate, so choosing the grade begins with the toughness of the substrate desired and ends with the coating of choice. For abusive applications, use of the toughest grade is recommended. These would be identified as the following: interrupted cuts; long tool lengths; poor chip evacuation; stainless steels; high-temperature alloys; poor workpiece or machine rigidity; coolant use or very heavy cut depths.
For stable, steel and ductile iron applications, Dapra recommends our medium toughness/hardness carbide. Examples of some good applications include: uninterrupted steel cuts; good workholding / machine rigidity; short tool / diameter ratios; lighter depths of cut; good chip evacuation; alloys; low and high carbon steels; ductile (long-chipping) irons; and dry machining.
For very stable, high-wear applications in cast iron and nonferrous materials, as well as hard milling of heat-treated materials, Dapra recommends the use of our hardest grades. Application examples include: gray cast irons; aluminum and copper alloys; plastics; light, smooth cuts in any material; and heat-treated steels (typically over 48 Rc).
Geometry SelectionDapra offers three different cutting edges for the Square Shoulder milling line:
General RecommendationsMaterial Being Machined Use stronger, T-land cutting edges for steels and cast irons. Use sharper honed edges for stainless steels and high-temperature alloys. For aluminum and plastics, use sharp, un-honed cutting edges. Workholding / Machine Tool Rigidity Use the recommended grades and geometries for rigid setups and machines. In cases where rigidity is lacking (light-duty machine, poor workholding, etc.), use tougher grades and stronger geometries. The exception to this rule is when the use of the sharper geometry (XPET) actually stops or reduces the vibration created by the poor rigidity. These situations typically present a "trial and error” scenario.
Long Toolholder / Length to Diameter Ratio
This situation closely resembles the previous rigidity issue. Long tool lengths (including longer tool holders) decrease tool rigidity, creating the potential for chatter and vibration. This can typically be combated with stronger cutting edges, but can also sometimes be corrected with a sharper, free cutting edge. Use the APET unless the results prohibit the use of such a strong edge. The XPET may reduce vibration enough to quiet the operation. Again, use of the toughest grades is typically recommended in long reach applications where chatter or vibration is present. Coolant vs. Dry Machining Most applications using Dapra cutting tools are best performed using dry air blast. Exceptions to this rule include: high-temperature alloys, aluminum and some exceptionally tough stainless steels. When dry machining, use the grades and geometries suggested previously. When using coolants, Dapra recommends using the tougher grades, but with sharper cutting edges (XPET). This allows the heat generated in the cutting zone to be minimized, delaying the effects of thermal shock. Machining Parameters For heavier cuts, tougher substrates should be used, due to the increased pressure and potential vibration created. In lighter cuts, the harder grades provide better performance (speed) and longer tool life. The minimum FPT (feed per tooth) for the APET geometry should be .006". This is to get the chip thickness past the T-land edge preparation, allowing the insert to cut, not rub. The minimum FPT for the XPET insert should be .003". Consequently, lighter cuts (FPT) should not be taken with the APET unless other conditions exist that necessitate the use of the stronger edge. The selection procedure described here will require your careful consideration of several application conditions and insert characteristics. This may take some time, but the cutting results will be well worth your effort.
Looking for an end mill with unsurpassed performance in high-efficiency milling of Titanium? The new Fullerton 3116 TiMill end mill may be just what you need. Titanium is half the weight of steel and twice the strength of aluminum: It's a high strength, light weight material with excellent fatigue performance, super durable in high stress environments and corrosion resistant. As a result of titanium's material properties it's making it become evermore popular in the aerospace, defense, shipbuilding, medical adn dental industries. It's also what makes it considered a "more difficult to machine" material. Let's dig into that a bit more. Generally, titanium grades 1 through 4 are considered commercially pure titanium with varying requirements on ultimate tensile strength while Grade 5 is what is most often seen in the machining industry. It's often alloyed with 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium. This is what is commonly known as 6Al4V or Ti 6-4. Also quite common is 4Al4V or Ti 4-4. Why difficult? Well, first it has low Young’s modulus meaning that is more elastic than other materails: It's "gummy" which often causes spring back and chatter during machining and can readily generate long stringy chips if you don't have the correct edge prep. On top that, it's also prone to work hardening and galling super easily. You've got to keep the cutter in-the-cut: Insert cutters just aren't as good as solid endmills at doing this. Next, titanium does not have good thermal conduction properties like aluminum. Instead of heat being evacuated in the chips or transferred to the base material, heat tends to be transferred to the cutting tool which reduces it's tool life. Heat kills. Tool life declines. The right coating helps. The final icing on the cake is that titanium is prone to work hardening. During uniaxial loading, the initial rate of hardening is higher in compression so if you come back for another pass you need to get under the work hardened layer, that is, leave enough material for a finish pass to get under the layer or your tool life will suffer and your part finishes will decline with it. Ideally, finish to size in the final pass if you can. The trick to machining titanium has always been to keep consistent coolant flow to evacuate the chips and maintain a consistent chip load. Again, rough to your finish size. Don't let it work harden. That's what we've learned about titanium over the past couple of decades. There has been a ton of research on titanium's properties and that research has led to further refinement of the cutting tool geometry at Fullerton. The design of Fullerton's 3116 TiMill is based upon over a decade of aerospace testing and development and addresses many of the machining issues that Titanium presents. It's a 6-flute tool built with a 38°helix. The increased number of flutes allows for the tools to remain "in the cut" longer and more consistently. It doesn't induce as much heat as a lower number of flutes tends to do. instead, it's consistent. The 38°helix evacuates the chip at a more optimum angle than a 35°, 37.5° or 40° helix that predecessors made by competitors have tried.
Speeds and Feeds are Critical* IT'S MADE FOR TITANIUM! So that means it is NOT Recommended for High Si Aluminum (>10%), Low Si Aluminum (<10%), Composites, Plastics, Brass & Copper, or Graphite. NOT Recommended! Choose your SizeFrom: Visual Capitalist The world produced roughly 2.8 billion tons of metal in 2021. This chart represents the metals we mined, visualized on the same scale. This was originally posted on Elements. “If you can’t grow it, you have to mine it” is a famous saying that encapsulates the importance of minerals and metals in the modern world. From every building we enter to every device we use, virtually everything around us contains some amount of metal. The above infographic visualizes all 2.8 billion tonnes of metals mined in 2021 and highlights each metal’s largest end-use using data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). This article is courtesy of Regal Cutting Tools. Different tool engineering, composition, and design affect the way they perform and which workpieces they will cut most effectively. Several factors determine which drill bits work best on various steels and alloys, copper, zinc, aluminum, tin, etc., owing to the properties of ferrous vs. nonferrous metals. Properties of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous MetalsFerrous Metals Ferrous metals, of course, are those that contain iron. These include stainless, carbon, and alloy steel, and cast and wrought iron. Ferrous metals generally possess more tensile strength than their non-iron-based counterparts. That makes them ideal for use in building materials, structural and ornamental designs, and heavy industrial products such as shipping containers, tools, and appliances. Tool manufacturers must consider hardness and strength when designing and engineering drills made for cutting ferrous metals. Non-ferrous Metals Non-ferrous metals - especially copper, lead, zinc, and tin also occupy important niches in the construction and manufacturing industries. Because they contain no iron, these metals are valued for their use in applications where they come into contact with moisture that would rust ferrous metals. They also are malleable, ductile, and easily manipulated into various shapes for components, housings, etc. They are non-magnetic, making them quite useful in electronic components. Hardness is the primary consideration when choosing a drill to cut metal. Drills incorporate various design elements in order to cope with these different challenges Points and AnglesDrill bit points can be altered to provide more precise hole-starting, centering, and quality, as well as conduciveness to varying feeds and speeds. The standard 118-degree point is used because it offers a “good enough” fit for most applications. Standard points can be used for most “softer” steels and non-ferrous metals. Standard 135-degree split-point drills can cut these materials, as well as harder steel alloys. In these harder materials, the split-point offers the advantage of working at lower feed pressure and centering of the hole with minimal walking. Learn more about how to find the right drill point angle for your application FlutesThe grooves cut into drill bits (called flutes) serve two purposes:
As we might expect, the harder the material being drilled, the harder the tool must be to get the job done. Carbon steels are too soft for cutting metal; only high-speed steel (HSS), carbide-tipped, and solid carbide bits should be used in cutting metal, no matter how soft. HSS is common because of its low cost and ability to drill softer carbon steels as well as zinc, copper, aluminum, and other non-ferrous metals. Alloying HSS with 5 to 8% cobalt adds “red” hardness which allows the tool to maintain the sharp cutting edge longer and allows for slightly faster speeds, making these drills suitable for working in heat-treated steel, cast iron, and even some titanium alloys. For exponential increases in speed and wear resistance, nothing beats using a carbide tool. It withstands extremely high temperatures, resists wear, and maintains rigidity better that HSS. It costs much more, but is the only long term, high volume option when the work piece is stainless steel or alloyed steel. Carbide-tipped HSS saves some costs and is a viable option for nonferrous metals such as copper, bronze, and other materials that are highly abrasive. Drills made of cobalt-alloy High Speed Steel (HSS-E) or even drill bits with a thin film coating are needed for stainless steel. These are more expensive than normal HSS drill bits, but they enable drilling in special steel without a high level of drill bit wear. Thin film coated drill bits are high-speed steel drill bits (HSS) that have any of a variety of coating blends typically with a titanium base. TiN (Titanium Nitride), TiALN (Titanium Aluminum Nitride) and TiCN (Titanium Carbonitride) are examples of thin film coaing typically used on drill bits. They are very hard, and corrosion-resistant and reduce the co-efficient of friction allowing for better lubrication of the tool. They last much longer than regular HSS drill bits, and they are good for cutting through any metal, including metal sheeting. Thin film coated drill bits have a surface that is harder than cobalt. However, because they are coated, they lose the coating protection at the cutting edge when they are re-sharpened and subsequent tool life will be reduced. Uncoated drill bits are made of cobalt or HSS steel, and they can be sharpened without any loss in performance or tool life.
ConstructionFerrous vs. Non-Ferrous MetalsUnderstanding the characteristics of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and what twist drill is ideal for each material is key to high quality production and extending tool life. If you are still unsure of exactly which drill is right for your job, contact a Browne & Co. Sales Rep and we would be happy to assist you.
If you deal with exotic alloys like Inconel, titanium, Hastelloy, etc., this article is written especially for you. Wise operators always select the correct tool for the job, avoiding the problems others face when they try to apply a general-purpose tool to a unique situation. In this article, we give you the information you need to select the proper tools for machining exotics. It will make your shop stand out from the competition since you will produce better results at a reduced cost. The Hard Stuff Exotic alloys are specifically designed for high-temperature applications (think aerospace), performance in corrosive environments (think underground), or to have the highest available strength to weight ratios (think earth-moving applications). The machinability of these materials is NOT the first consideration. As much as it would be nice from the machinist’s viewpoint to have an aluminum firewall in a helicopter, as the pilot or passenger you want a material that is strong and heat retardant.
The Answer
One day a new job order comes in and you are faced with threading these kinds of alloys. What’s an operator to do? Fortunately for you, North American Tool manufactures application-specific thread mills right here in the USA. These tools are made from solid carbide and have been specially designed with exotic materials in mind. The results are longer more consistent tool life and the elimination of scrap due to tap failures in your parts. Uniquely Crafted North American Tool thread mills for exotic alloys are designed with only three teeth. This places less stress on the tool than a conventional thread mill with six, eight, or ten teeth engaged in the workpiece at the same time. Carbide thread mills nickel-based alloys are also made with left-hand helix and left hand-cut, which permit an operator to run from the top of the hole to the bottom and climb mill the threads. This will create a right-hand thread on the part. The threads are milled, rather than cut, typically producing a better quality thread in the part. The thread mills are coated with AlCrN to give them greater heat and wear resistance in the high heat, higher abrasive applications that typically confront an operator when machining exotic alloys. Exotic Material Experts As well as thread mills, we are the industry leader in designing and manufacturing special taps for exotic materials as well. Thread mills are a good alternative tool to the special taps we design every day provided of course, you have a 3-axis CNC capable of the interpolation tool path needed for thread mills. If you are working with exotic materials and need a thread mill or special tap, please contact us for a quote. We’d be happy to help. |
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