AFC tool holders: the revolution in fast tool changes – patent applied The ARNO FAST CHANGE system is a complete quick change solution for your Swiss machine. It consists of a through coolant gang plate that acts like a manifold, so all of the coolant is delivered behind the scenes. It's your solution for easy tool changes despite limited space in Swiss type machines: The two-part AFC holder – even untrained staff can replace tools fast and reliably. This is how it works: The rear part of the tool holder (AHA fixed stop) is first fixed in place. Only the front part is removed to replace the tool. This eliminates the need to restart and recalibrate the zero point since the length to the insert tip is always the same – whether the grooving system or the turning system is used.
The through coolant split shank tools will reduce your tool swap time to a minute or less. This is an innovative system that is engineered and manufactured in Germany solely to keep your spindles running and dropping more finished parts per shift. As of right now we have 51 gang plates in stock for: Citizen, STAR, Hanwha, Tsugami, KSI Swiss, DMG Mori, Nexturn and Tornos. To learn more, click the button below:
IMTS 2022 Preview: Arno, Fullerton, Everede, Haimer & Precision Brand to Feature New Products!9/8/2022 If you're making plans to attend IMTS, be sure and add this group of terrific manufacturers to your your show planner! Just click on the name, building location or image and you can add them to your "MyShowPlanner" ARNO-Werkzeuge USA LLCARNO FAST CHANGE: Make More Parts Per Shift On Your Swiss Machine How do you increase spindle up-time on your sliding head Swiss lathe?
Fullerton ToolManufactures High Performance Solid Carbide Round Cutting Tools. Endmills, Drills, Reamers, Saws, Burrs, Keyseat Cutters, PCD, and Custom Special Tools.
Everede Tool Co.Everede is a Manufacturer of Indexable Boring Bars and Inserts. Catalog includes Steel, Carbide, Carbide Bars andmore Exclusive USA representative for Nine9 and Duemmel. Nine9 manufacturer’s high quality unique indexable Engraving, Spotting... Duemmel manufacturer’s high quality Indexable carbide cutting tools for micro boring, grooving Haimer USAHAIMER is a first class German Tool Holder manufacturer. From the basics of face-mill arbors and ER collet chucks, all the way up to High Precision Collet and Shrink Fit Chucks, HAIMER has the tools necessary to satisfy and exceed your machining center needs. Their product line includes the most extensive taper and size offerings from any HSK, CAT, BT, SK, PSC and KM tapers to any inch or metric size available. Their product portfolio, which also holds shrink fit, presetting & balancing machines, 3D-sensors, and cutting tools, addresses the machining process from spindle to part, giving the customer a complete machining solution. Precision Brand Products, Inc.For over 75 years, Precision Brand Products has been the benchmark for toolroom products. Our product line of over 2800 products, including shim stock, feeler gauges, key stock, hose clamps and more, has kept pace with the changes and advances in manufacturing technology and methods worldwide.
Appears in Print at Production Machining as: 'A Swift Tool Change for Swiss-Type Machines' This coolant-through tooling system replacement for the gang plate on a Swiss-type machine can save hours of spindle downtime per day as well as increase tool life and enhance chip control. While servicing the tools on a traditional platen on a sliding headstock lathe, it can take 10 minutes or more to index one insert. While indexing the tools, coolant spigots can get knocked loose by an operator and can cost a machine shop tool life and time. Once the inserts are indexed, it can take several starts and stops of the spindle for the operator to see if the coolant stream is being directed to where it needs to be.
Arno’s Fast Change (AFC) tooling system consists of a gang plate that holds split-shank, coolant-through turning tools, parting tools and grooving tools. Designed like a manifold, the coolant is rerouted through the gang plate to the tools. The UN-style slot in the fixed stop picks up the coolant and runs it through the pipette to the front end where the coolant goes directly to the cutting edge. The AFC system can supply coolant to one port that supports all the tooling positions, or it can supply two ports and divide the tooling positions with the needle valve. The tooling system only needs to be plumbed once and, according to the company, after that, a high-pressure coolant line should not need to be touched again. With proper setup, the high-pressure lines are moved behind the machine guards, creating a clean machining environment. This enables operators to complete safer routine maintenance. Also, the AFC’s low-profile clamps do not collect as many chips compared with a typical clamping system. When replacing a split-shank tool, the operator simply loosens two clamps to remove the cutting head and then replaces it with a new one, the company says. Simple, Quick FunctionalityA Time and Money SaverUsing the AFC system, Arno reports that it takes 17 seconds to change a tool, a vast improvement to the typical 7 to 10 minutes it can take using a traditional gang plate. The conventional method might take five minutes to change a tool, a minute to touch the tool off and another minute to adjust the spigot, for instance.
In comparison, when an operator is working with the AFC system, retouch is not necessary because the tool will repeat within plus or minus a thousandth of the previous tool positions. There is also no need to factor in time for readjusting coolant lines because the new system is a true, coolant-through system. It is also not necessary to factor in the clearing away of chips because those surfaces have mostly been eliminated with the smooth AFC design, according to Stroup. Therefore, the 17-second tool change time is the only time to factor in. But, for a real-world example, he increases the time to one minute to consider a distracted operator that might use extra seconds Although there are still 30 idle times per day, there are now only 30 minutes of downtime per day instead of 210 minutes using the traditional gang plate. “That only costs $10,000 per year, which means you’ve just made $60,000 a year on that one spindle by adopting the AFC system,” Stroup says. |
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